
South Philly Memoirs

Dead Box

savona | April 18, 2007

Ahh the game of dead box. What good fond memories, a simple game for a simple time… This game has been played in inner cities for years, at least since the 20’s or 30’s. My father passed it on to…..

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savona | April 18, 2007

Chink, which is basically poor peoples racquetball, gets its name for the sound the ball makes when it hits the crack where the wall and the ground meet. Chink kept us busy and active for hours on end and was…..

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Pimple Ball

savona | April 18, 2007

Note to those who wonder what a pimple ball is:Pimple Balls were used in Philadelphia, Boston, and other Northeastern cities for wallball, handball, boxball, points, wireball, stickball, and Hit the Penny among other games. If they were severly exposed to…..

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